Sunday, 24 June 2007

About the author...

So I have spent the last few days more or less writing, some of you (my sister for example) will be like 'Oh God what a waste' but I really enjoyed it, I used to get a real kick out of blowing entire days just sitting in Ground* writing the TBB stories and occasionally working on my own novel. Then those new red-coated traffic wardens came in and I couldn't just abandon my car for eight hours anymore, bastards.

Anyway I've managed to fix a few of the problems that I had encountered with one of my works and have jumped at it again with renewed enthusiasm. Anyway on the way home I started thinking about what I would have as my description on the back page of the novel and after sifting out that which I really thought most important I came up with this-

About the author…

Kyle Spence was born in Dungannon, Northern Ireland in December 1981 (December 8th if you want to send him a card) and freely admits to having no life.

He lives in Portstewart with Amy (his pet scorpion) and spends far too much time in coffee shops. His favourite film is Transformers: The Movie (1986) because Orson Welles has some truly awesome dialogue.

His writing career really took off when he started writing short stories for the online gaming community ‘The Bridge Burners’ and the reception to these stories gave him the impetus to actually try to finish one of the many novels he had started.

Mana: The Rising is his first book and he hopes that you enjoy it, or at least paid for it before leaving the store.

To contact Kyle email:


*Ground is responsible for putting up with me for every single Bridge Burners story and when I finally get published they will be receiving due recognition for their support over the years.