Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Novel Update 2

The plot main plot outline and most of the sub-stories have been finished, plus I've already completed the ending. I had hoped to make a trilogy and I think that I've got enough potential storyline left over to do just that, so I present 'The Broken History' trilogy:

-Mana: The Shadows of Destiny
-Mana: Shattered in Time
-Mana: Fate Rising


Anthony Ogden said...

Well i'll give you credit for that... titles first samples later eh? ;)

Good luck if you go for publishing mate. :) Tough industry to break, but rewarding.

I'd love to see a sample ;) especially of the kids book (tis the wifes trade)

Vastian said...

Hmmm, I probably should give you some sort of sample since I'll probably start bugging you to proof read it when I get the first draft finished. :P

The children's story isn't anything special, and being honest it probably isn't any good, it was really just a tool to help me develop a bit of background to the world.

Anthony Ogden said...


Well the info so far has been intriguing! i'll happily proof read it. ;)