Thursday, 1 March 2007

A Thought

Apparently the average male burns off the equivalent of one quarter of a Topic bar whilst in the act of pleasuring himself. This leads me to wonder if this couldn't be promoted as the new wonder diet of the year, "Wank yourself to better health", and of course there's the added bonus of all those endorphins being released into the bloodstream making us all a happier, more relaxed people.

I think that I'm on to a real winner here, I wonder if I could get a grant from the Princes Trust to get started?


Anthony Ogden said...

Perhaps more likely that one bicep would grow to massive proportions?
But by all means apply for the grant, i'm more than willing to join the test group... ;)

Vastian said...

I can imagine the test taking place, twenty overweight, sweaty guys lying in a room with the air conditioning turned off and all beating their bars to 12 year old copies of Hustler.

Anthony Ogden said...

It can be a replacement event for Ch4's scrapped "Wank Week"

Vastian said...

My 15 minutes of fame forever lost...

Anthony Ogden said...

Negatory! It's an opportunity!